Learning Korean(한국어 배우기)

Did you know that? Time and Meals in Korean - Learning Korean

알깬새 2023. 5. 28. 17:55

한국어에서 아침, 점심, 저녁은 동음이의어입니다.

In Koran, 아침, 점심, 저녁 are homonyms.  


아침 : Morning or Breakfast


점심 : Noon or Lunch


저녁 : Evening or Dinner


Korean side dishes


When they are used as time - 시간으로 쓰일 때



좋은 아침입니다!

Good morning!


내일 아침에 만나요.

See you tomorrow morning.


오늘 저녁엔 뭐 할 거예요?

What are you going to do this evening?


좋은 저녁(시간) 되세요!

Have a good evening!


[Audio File]




When they are used as meals - 식사의 의미로 쓰일 때



(아침/점심/저녁) 먹었어요?

Have you had your (breakfast/lunch/dinner)?


점심은 뭐 먹을거예요?

What will you have for lunch?


[Audio File]






If you want to know the pronunciation, then click the word. I connected those audio files. 

The audio service is provided by Daum.



내일 : Tomorrow


오늘 : Today


좋은 : Good / Nice


시간 : Time / Hour / Moment


먹다 : Eat



Did you know that??  


